
name: eugene
age: 14



khee hui
shao weii
joshua TOH
su hui


January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008



Friday, March 28, 2008

hey guys.

sorry i had not been posting for so long lol. i wonder if anyone's reading this. lol. really fun week. watched "Horton" the movie. wow. it was really good. cute, funny, deep, moving, funky. haha. this set me thinking too. what if what Horton the elephant said was true? what if our world was also another speck among millions of trillions of other specks? i know this is true, but this kinda helps you appreciate life all the more. out of the many many many many planets out there, daddy God chose this one for life. :D

okay, anyway, the volleyball hasn't been good lately. lost 3 matches already. no chance of nationals. haiz. nvm! jiayou for the next 2! even though we cant get in, we'll put up a good fight!! xD really fun today. i aced all the A-balls!!!! WHOOOOOOOO. hahaha. coach picking the MAIN 14 NEX WEEK!!! OMG. i wanna be IN THERE!!

aaaaaaanyways. CID was super fun slacking and all lol. one of our teachers couldn't stop touching alfino's face!! then she kept going "alfino~". omg. creepy. mutang and the rest are fun pplz lol. hehe.

lotsa hmw to do over the weekend, btr chiong.

post, comment, expect.
gene xO

genie fell from the sky 9:56 PM

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

hey guys. found this 2 cute vids lol. wanted to share. THIS GUY REALLY DOES IT WELL!! called simon's cat. take time to watch both, they're really funny. enjoy:

post, comment, expect.
gene. ><

genie fell from the sky 11:17 PM

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hey guys.

progress reports came out. i did relatively badly. argh. thus proving i have to study more. yea. okay. i need a study plan or my parents are gonna kill me. whats up with that. darn. i'm NOT gonna enjoy my Good Friday tommorrow. ugh.

today's volleyball match was sucky coz the team(including me) kept making careless mistakes. sigh. first set 18-25, second set 21-25. can it get any closer?! darn. those blood red jerseys must have been the bad-luck magnets. haha. just kidding. after our match, we watched the match between HCI and Clementi Town Sec. Omg. omg. omg. those people are super PRO!! omgomgomg. we were practically gasping our way through the match. how we gonna compete against HCI for the next round?! they're like, unbeatable!(though they lost to Clementi town today. bad luck too, i guess.) but that's not the point. point is, i hope the team manages to beat HCI. even if its by a little. haizz. after the match we went to IMM to eat some nice foodies. had mee rebus and 2 roti pratas. really good, though it was super spicy, i survived on 1 CUP OF LIME JUICE.(btw, the cup was less than 500ml.)

learnt a little photoshop-ing during art today. was pretty cool. mrs karmen ling really knows her stuff. lol. oh. i got a haircut. yea. there goes my dignity. do if you see me without my usual mane, you know why. coz it was a case of "hairdresser strikes back" kinda thing. yea. tommorrow pplz might be coming to my house. hm. for some project i think. hehe. yup.

"the melancholy of suzumiya haruhi" is a damn nice anime. rox my sox. i don't see why people watching anime just give up on their own stupid animes with self-contradicting plots and just watch this.(just KIDDING, relax!) its so cool. its damn funny. why aren't you all converting to HARUHISM?! haha. just joking. speaking of religion, i'm inviing ppl to my church for easter service! anyone wanna tag along sms of call me! xD its gonna be a good time. guaranteed.

lol. okay, i'm just gonna end with one question.
i'm destined for heaven. are you?
think about it.

post, comment, expect.
gene. :]

genie fell from the sky 10:45 PM

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Friday, March 14, 2008

hey guys!

i'm posting at officially 12 am. whoots. its saturday now. xD haha. i feel emo about my volleyball. lol. too sucky. blehxx. but i shant spread it to yall. smile. :D

anyways. i'm happy today. i almost finished all my holiday homework. how bout that? lol. oh, and SOMEBODY said that in my display pic in Messenger, i look lke a korean star or something. i mean, seriously? hm. ponders. pplz say i don't look local. lol. pplz always think i'm philipino, or japanese or something. I'M A PURE BREED SEEKAPPOHREAN OLAH!!! hahaha. dunno leh. this pic:

and to that someone. thanks for the compliment, man!! xD appreciate it.

was doing the geog tourism proposal with huang and matthew[ aka marthu]. i shall call matthew marthu now. just for fun. teehee. okay anyway, me and marthu went to huang's house, discussed the project, then decided on whr to go. turns out we went to do Holland Village. lol. so we took a bus dere. BUT WE MISSED THE FOOKING STOP! (coz we were all PSP-ing) but that's not all. THE OTHER STOP WAS LIKE, A 20 min WALK AWAY FROM HOLLAND V!! but marthu, huang and me had quite a fun time shouting vulgarities and beaver insults and all. coz we were right beside the road so pretty much of it was drowned out. laughing our asses off while walking laah. hahaha. it was really cool. yea. then we walked around Holland V evaluating it, snapping pics... haha. took a pic with both of their backs facing me:

hehe, ohoh, also got a cool cool slipper shop. so colorful i HAD to take it. xD

yea haha. today's a good day. went out to dinner to celebrate my bro's b'dae. crystal jade worhh. too bad the food was only so-so. :] yup. then had to rush back home to chiong other homework. ohoh, before i forget, i promised to go wif alfino to either kinokuniya of borders, just for our love of reading. <3

um yea. sorry for the previous random post though. i was drunk. NOT. i was bored. haha. and my pencil ran outta lead. i couldn't doodle. so i just had to say random stuffs. xD. hope it didn't melt ur brain.

well, that's it for now.
post, comment, expect.
gene :"]

genie fell from the sky 11:59 PM

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

post number 21.

my bro's b'day tmlw. yay. blaa.

i feel sleepy. mountain turtle.

i wanna study now. but i got friendly match tommorow. bah. blue pipes.

random post. now i shall just utter nonsense. coz i'm bored. i don't give an armpit.

paddle. cat. cloud. guidebook. sedimentary rock. towel. gamma rays. hello kitty. mid-life crisis. y-axis. sharpener. sewerage. psychedelic. whatever.

i'm bored.
post, comment, expect. bunny. scooter. saber. piranha.
gene. :/

genie fell from the sky 11:32 PM

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Monday, March 10, 2008

hey guys!

remember to switch on your speakers now, or plug in your earphones coz this blog has MUSIC!! enjoy. this song's really sweet. and simple. it kinda helps you read better, i hope. it has this sort of tap-your-foot-to-it melody. loved it. Jason Mraz,"I'm Yours". really cool. yea.

so, moving on. we had the match against zhenghua today!!! lol. kena trashed. WAHAHAHAHA. lol? that just means we need more PRACTICE. right guys? hahahaha. anyways, competition's coming up. so we need to DOUBLE our practice. my solution? STERIODS!!! haha. just kidding. i DO NOT take steroids. i just take drugs. Bohahaha. tht's why i'm so high now. you've gotta be an idiot if you believe that. haha. ohoh, after the match i had to go to the museum, but i couldn't find the toilet to change!!!! lol? haiz. pengxiang hit his head today. while trying to save a ball, then he slided, and i heard a big *PONNNNNNG* his head hit the metal railings. then we had to pause the game. coz we were all checking to see if he's okay. sad. just imagine him having to put ice on that. ouch.

okay. um, the art museum. well, i arrived quite late. darned bunnies. anyway, i made it there. haha. but i went to the WRONG MUSEUM. i went to the Singapore HISTORY Museum. i called matt, and he said go second level, ask the info counter for gallery 2.9. i ask in the history museum. then the recptionist stones. then says

"What are you looking for?"

i say "gallery 2.9, art."

*blank look* receptionist says "um, actually, the art museum is across the street. this is the history museum."

*blank look* i say "orh." *blushes* "okay, thanks"

hahaha. so anyways. the art ther was fairly inspiring. lol. women with extreme squints, weird figure draped in animal fur, photos of thousaend year old idols, some patriotic drawings i could've done in preschool. but there were good parts. haha. but i didn't stay for long. coz my group was finishing when i got there. haizz. but it was fun. having lunch and all. yea. really fun. bought some cool keychains. lol. two doughnuts and an oreo. and the oreo and doughnuts feel SUPER REAL. though they're made of rubber. yea. they feel real, look real, smell real and even taste real!! not. smells like latex. tastes like latex. lol. okay. haha.

cramming homework into my holiday schedule. argh. darn.

my mom played taiko no tatsujin!! lol. she ask me how to play when she saw me playing. then i taught her. and she got HOOKED! LOL? she kept playing, then i go like " mom! its my turn lah!" then she says "okay okay, one last song!!" haha. mum, being the super duper piano expert(grade 1,2,3,5,6,8 DISTINCTION), taught me the whole right hand of the byousoku 5cm eyectach. yayness! only the left hand left!! haha.

um, guess that's all.
post, comment, expect.
gene. :D

genie fell from the sky 9:13 PM

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

hey pplz.

my teeth are hurting like mad. pain, pain and more pain. now, there are two new words which mean pain in my vocabulary. 1) CHEW. 2) BITE. owwwies. darn. hoping these two years of me being a braceface helps my teeth. *grits teeth* OW!!

anw, today's sunday!! so i went for service in church!!(like, duh?) i did visual today. and today's sermon was really special. about heaven. then all the R-Age pplz had to wear white. lol. some were not. haha. laughed my ass off when Navin was not. as you can tell, Navin is a cool indian dude. he wore black today. he forgot. then wesley went like, "EH NAVIN! WHERE YOUR FACE AH?!" then i go like "OI! RACIST LAH YOU!" *pokes him really hard* then he just laughed his way to a six pac. anyway, today's cell was about jesus' authority to forgive sins. yea. before cell, i was like doodling away on the board. lol. kinda distracted the other cell ppl coz i forgot to erase it!! :P sorry guys. xD

hey, wait a sec. holy croodies! i realise i doodle almost everywhere!(well, except on myself of course)haha. i rmb, if the board's filled with doodles during lesson its either:
a)ppl cleaning the board not doing duty
b)it was recess before, i got bored and doodled on the board(no pun intended)
c)i started doodling and a couple of other good friends decided that vandalising the board wasn't so bad after all or

waha. i love drawing.

anways, i did visual for today's service, so all the powerpoint and stuffs i had to handle. joel asked me if i was interested in a video-taking and video-editing workshop. my response? "HELL(i mean, HEAVEN) YEA!!" waha. tmlw me and the team having a friendly against Zhenghua Sec. RV jiayous. whoots.

ohoh, i went to watch the hwa chong performance, "huang2 cheng2 ye4 yun4" at victoria concert hall today. the front was pretty boring, but then it got better towards the end. haha. yea. was dozing off sia. whenever i was gonna slp, i would then slap myself and pinch myself. then my bro, beside me, would stare at me. then say " you SURE you okay annot?!" xD then we laugh(quietly. we are courteous ppl you know!) and continue watching. haha. fun fun.

just found out that ben ben took my science papers. NO WONDER I COULDN'T FIND IT. WAHAHAHA. thanks ben, you saved my LIFE!!

that's it for now.
post, comment, expect.
gene o.0

PS: um, one question people. if you were to die in 7 hour's time, what would you do?
plzplz comment. i wanna see how ppl react. xD just a test. gene.

genie fell from the sky 8:16 PM

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

hey guys.

second post of the day now. haha. just wanted to share this video. really sweet. credits to kasey for sharing to me. enjoy:


genie fell from the sky 9:08 PM

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hey guys.

WAHHHHHHHHHHHH. my teeth are hurting like hell!! sobs. i had 2 dental appointments today! back to back! my first was cleaning, then my second was for my braces. whoa. now i cant even feel my gums but my teeth are aching like sh1t. haizz. but anyway. it was fun. lol. watching my teeth get all sparkly straight make me feel all better. haha. xD

lollies. all my uniformed groups friends are all in camp. wahaha. i wanna go camp too. sounds fun. they cook their own food. ew? can you imagine?! i wouldn't even want to TRY the rice i cook myself. and their camp commanders are REALLY REALLY fierce. me and the other volleyball guys were getting debreifed by coach, then we could hear the camp commander from like, 200m away! she was like screaming at the recruits. she was like "THIS IS A UG CAMP! SO GET SERIOUS! HONEYMOONS ARE OVER! HOLIDAYS ARE OVER!" then i think "actually, holidays have just arrived" anyway, yea. she said a whole lecture, well, not said, i mean SCREAMED a whole lecture, with intervals when she say "DOWN!" you know why? coz all those poor recruits were in push up position. they did like, 20 push ups during that commando's long long long speech. haiz. so lucky i not uniformed group. BOAHAHAHAA. ohoh, there's also a band camp starting on the 13th. i hear they have to practice the whole day. siao liao. last time when i was in Chinese orchestra, practice for only 3 hrs my lungs like hanging out of my mouth liao(i played a wind instrument). i'm soooooooo lucky i'm in a sports cca. we, the vollyballers have a friendly match on monday. xD. lol. i should train more for my volleyball. i'm not good enough. darn.

i havent started drawing yet. i'll need inspiration. haha. i still cant master the piano eyecatch. DARN. how can you shorten the darned learning time?! oh, and thanks, wesly, for offering to teach me, man! lol. hm. i nida get my own drumset. shoot, now the offer's gone. the sale sold one at $600! omgomg. and i missed it. now i have to get it at at least $1000. where am i gonna get so much money?! D;

i have lotsa holiday homework. GAHHHHHH. swimming in work right now. blurbblurbblurb. xD. but i'm really looking forward to the art podcasting homework. we have to make a trip to the art museum of singapore, take pictures, and then podcast about the experience. know how the teacher checks who's been there? everyone has to take a picture of him/her with the museum to make sure we really been there. and then again, there is a super little thingy called PHTOTSHOP, isn't it? DON'T WORRY, I WON'T CHEAT! REALLY!! xD

i'll be having my camera for the holidays. yayness. prepare for lameness pplz.

the nan hua 6fians oh6 are holding a class reunion! whoo hoo. lol.

went to Borders today. saw lotsa good books. just wanna get them all! but my wallet DOES have a bottom. darn. ARGH.

anw. that's all folks.
post, comment, expect.
gene > <

genie fell from the sky 7:46 PM

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

hey guys.

been a long time since my last post lol. haha. now i'm learning how to do the piano eyecatch for byousoku 5 cm. in case you're wondering, its an anime romance film. super touching, watch the trailer! haha. here's the link, enjoy:

hehe. haha. tommorrow's the last day of term 1!!! though i have tons of homework for the holidays. haiz. haaha. havent been taking much lame pictures. sorry, xD. but you guys could have less things to melt your brain. haha. i love drawing!!! juz got a drawing and design book today. rocks!! whoots. loves it. umum. wahaha. really cool. lollies. me and huang were eating during lang arts. lol. roller coaster. kimee and felicia too!! xD BOHAHAHAHA.

tmlw we gonna go support the RV netball team! YAYNESS!! that means no classes! lollies. haha. super enthu. i NIDA BRING SNACKS!!! omg. shoot. forgot to buy. haha. anw, i'll go learn the piano eyecatch.

okay, that's all for now.
post, comment, expect.
gene. :D

genie fell from the sky 8:50 PM

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

hey guys!

hyper enthu today. heheeeee. got some photos to share!! yayness!! enjoy:
hm...cluttered desk=cluttered mind? xD well, don't know about that, but hey, here's my desk. well, there's the basic stuff. books, wallet, PSP, choir ticket for the performance on 11 march, black band, drumsticks, volleyball finger guard. xD
haha. lol. juz watched "L, Change The World" today. rocked. do i look like L? xD lol. feihon said i do. hm. dunno. comment? please? x3 haha. just kiddin laa. :D
here are some stupid pics. hope they don't melt your brain. ;P




*cricket chirps* okay. not funny. anyways. that's all for this whacky post. photos are too huge...flooding the window. so i'll post on what happened today tommorrow, kay?

love yall.
post, comment, expect.
gene. ^^


genie fell from the sky 9:02 PM

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